Sewer Contracts_Sepember 1960 to April 1966SEWER CONTRACTS 56 Book Page Contracts for sewer pumping station equipment for 81st St. Pumping Station awarded to Fairbanks Morse, Ideal Electric and Allis Chalmers. 9-21-60 43 239 Contract for sewer pipe and fittings for sanitary sewer in Alton Rd. from 14th to 15th St. awarded to International Steel & Pipe, Inc., $6,593.60 6-20-62 44 551 Contract for clay sewer pipe for SRN -258 awarded to R. L. Witters, Inc., $6,351.43 net. 8-7-63 46 63 SEWER CONTRACTS 57 Book Page Res. ##11118 authorizing award of contract HHFA Project APW FLA 87G, Storm Sewers, including Alternate Sub -Project 6, to Marks Bros. Co. 335 & $151,691.50 12-18-63 46 344 Res. ##11119 authorizing award of contract HHFA Project APW FLA 88G, Sanitary Sewers, eliminating Sub -Projects 7A and 7B, at adjusted 335 & base bid of $348,565.85 12-18-63 46 345 Contract for clay pipe and fittings, Collins Ave. project (sanitary sewers) awarded to Lumber Sales Whse., Inc. $7,387.70 10-7-64 47 258 SEDER CONTRACTS 58 Contract for clay pipe and fittings Book Page for replacement of sanitary sewer in Alton Rd. from 7 to 10 St. awarded to Oconee Clay Products $5,183.05 4-21-65 49 32 Contract for clay sewer pipe and fittings awarded to Oconee Clay Products, $4,726.80. 7-7-65 49 153 Contract for clay sewer pipe awarded to Oconee Clay Products Co. $17,769.97 4-8-66 50 215