Sewers Contracts_February 1968 to June 11, 1969SEWER CONTRACTS
Change order #1, Joe Reinertson, Inc. for
subaqueous portion sanitary sewer force main --
increase of $650. 2-21-68 53 27
Contract awarded to Allied Products Co. for re-
inforced concrete sewer pipe for $6,438.65.
7-17-68 53 315
Contract awarded to Joe Reinertson Equipment Co.
of $79,709.30 for storm sewers, Euclid Ave., 6th
to 8th Sts.; 6th St., Euclid Ave. to Washington
Ave.; Washington Ave. from 6th to 7th Sts.
Status report of all capital improvements covered
by 1966 Bond Issue to be furnished to Council
11/6/68. 10-9-68 53 482
_62, _.
Contract awarded to Dargel Construction Co.,
Inc., construction of storm sewer 40th St. -
North Meridian Avenue to Garden Avenue; Garden
Avenue from 40th Street to 41st Street; North
Meridian Avenue, 39th Street to 40th Street,
quoting $54,985.00. $62,000 appropriated from
1966 Storm Sewer Bond Funds. 1-15-69 54 152
Bid #330 to Dargel Constr.Co., total $231,500.
for storm sewer in 73rd St. From Parkview Canal
to Collins Ave; Harding Ave. from 73rd St. to
74th St.; in 74th St. from Harding Ave. to
Collins Ave.; and 50' west of Collins Ave. from
73rd St. to 72nd St. 3/19/69 54 308
($250,000 approp.from 1966 Storm Sewer Bond Fund)
Book Page
Change Order approved: to Joe Reinertson Equipm.
Co.,6th Street, etc. $2, 4/16/69 54 365
Bid #348 to Griffin Pipe Products Co.,
$10,001. for clay sewer pipe. 5/21/69 54 444
Memo 2156 -Change Order #1 to Joe Reinertson
Equipment Co., for storm sewer Lenox Avenue,
$4,030.00. 6/11/69 54 498