Sidewalk Contracts_November 1958 to September 1959 (2)SIDEWALK CONTRACTS 24 Book Page Contract for SK -238 awarded to Giller & Fryd Construe. Co., $4,100.00 11-5-58 41 190 Bids for sidewalk, curb, etc. for Parking Area PA -32 rejected; new bids to be taken. ( City to reject any future bids submitted by State Construction Co. who withdrew their bid on this, and performance bond of company is to be forfeited.) 7-15-59 42 188 SIDEWALK CONTRACTS 25 Book Page Contract for sidewalk, curb and masonry wall for Parking Area PA -34, NW. cor. Pine Tree Dr. & W. 47th St. awarded to Giller & Fryd, $1,121.10 9-16-59 42 291 Contract for curb, gutter and sidewalk repairs for H-472 awarded to Giller & Fryd $5,703.00 9-16-59 42 287 Contract for sidewalk, curb and wall for PA -34 awarded tc Giller & Fryd, $1,121.10 9-16-59 42 291