SideWalk Contracts_April 1964 to December 1968SIDsWALK CONTRACTS 29 Book Page Contract for curb and gutter for H=478 and sidewalk for SK -262 awarded to Joe W. Sullivan Concrete Service, $8,678.75 4-15-64 47 1 Contract for concrete sidewalk and curb for addition to Parking Area PA -53, 16th St. & Washington Ave., awarded to Joe W. Sullivan Concrete Service, $1,454.00 10-21-64 47 273 Contract for sidewalk improvement SK -263 awarded to Joe W. Sullivan Concrete Service $2,177.00 11-4-64 47 298 SIDEWALK CONTRACTS 30 Book Page Contract for sidewalk for Ocean Front Park bet. 73rd and 75th Sts. awarded to Joe W. Sullivan, $2,581.80 12-2-64 47 360 Contract for Sidewalk Improvement SKN-57 awarded to C. A. Davis, Inc. $1,231.20 1-20-65 48 321 Contract for Sidewalk SKN-60 awarded to Joe W. Sullivan Concrete Service, Inc. $1,188.00 10-20-65 49 347 Contract for construction of sidewak in Lummus Park awarded to C. A. Davis, Inc. $6,840.00 11-3-65 49 403 SIDEWALK CONTRACTS Contract for concrete sidewalks, curbs and walls for Parking Area PA -57 (5300 Collins Ave.) awarded to C.A. Davis, Inc., at total bid 429 & of $21,494.50. 7-20-66 50 431 Contract awarded to Robert E. Haas Construc- tion Co. for curb, gutter and sidewalk for HN -364 on West 42nd Street from Pine Tree Drive to Prairie Avenue for $24,440. 11-6-68 53 578 Contract awarded to Clifton Lightsey for curbs, sidewalks and streetlight foundations for Parking Area PA -58 (Shoremede Property) for $14,272.50. 12-4-68 54 60 11 Book Page