StreetLighting Contracts_December 1976 to November 1978STREETLIGHTING CONTRACTS 13
(continued) Date
cable (awarded 11/24/76). Award of 11/24/76 to
Delco Wire and Cable, reconsidered. All bids
rejected. Administration authorized to re -bid
under revised specifications. 12/15/76
Memo #6153, streetlight cable (50,000 ft.) 2/2/77
(rebid of Bid No. 141-76) Bid #6-77, awarded
Raybro Electric Supplies, inc., quoting
$5,985.00 (net $5,865.30).
Memo #6544, Streetlighting Material, bid
amount $13, 258.65, awarded, Consolidated
Electric Supply, Items 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,and
11, totaling$9,233.75; Raybro Electric Supply,
Items 1 & 9, totaling $4,024.90 (to be funded:
(continued) Date
Budget Acct. 0840-312, $4,024.90, Comm. Dev.
Acct. #1-30-500-2522.06, $7,321.75; Budget Acct.
2470.31, $1,912.) 10/19/77
Memo #6596, streetlighting material for City- 11/16/77
wide replacements, bid amount $11,188.86 awarded,
Raybro Electric Supplies, Items A,B,D,F,G,& H,
$9,137.46; South Dade Electrical Supply, Items C,
E & I, $2,051040.
Memo #6646, street lighting material replace- 1/4/78
ments for various locations, bid amount
$3,174.91, awarded, Consolidated Electric
Supply, Inc.
Memo #6696, streetlighting material for Parking 2/15/78
Lots and North Shore Open Space Park, bid amount:
$9826.96. Awarded, So. Dade Elec. Supply (15
Luminaires-McPhilben, $2,775.00; 10 Glass for
McPhilben, $207.50, total $2,982.50, for No.
Shore Open Space Park); to Raybro Elec. Supply
(16 Luminaires-G.E. $1,824.16) and Allied Elec-
tric Sup. (12 Alum. Poles -Single Arm, $4,242.00
and 2 Alum. Poles -Double Arm, $778.30, total
$5,020.30) total of $6,844.46 to be appropriated
from Parking Revenue Bond Fund No. W.O. 2698.3
PA -67, for new parking lots, 80th and 84th Sts.
Memo #7156, street lighting equipment for
upgrading 6th to 10th Streets from Washington