Chemicals & Janitorial Supplies_February 1970 to May 1976C)A" \+C;-1 Cl r.��TJI'G1 ,� 1,et J CHEMICALS .. JANITOR IAL SUPPLIES -for 1 yr., to lowest bidders. -for 1 yr.- city-wide contract; items rejected; test period for some items to Airkem of Miami. Memo #4768, awarded Rex Chemical Corp. 12 items; Clarke Chemical Corp. 9 items; Zep Mfg. Co. 6 items; Troy Janitor & Industrial Supplies 6 items; Arrow Paper Chemical Co., Inc., 3 items; Airken-Miami Inc., 3 items; Silver Paint & Hdwe. 2 items; and alternate awards - Rex Chemical Corp., 4 items; Clarke Chemical Corp., 2 items; Zep Mfg. Co., 7 Meeting date 2-18-70 2-17-71 10/2/74 CHEMICALS & JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 8 DATE 2 items; Allen Chemical Co., 1 item; total estimated expenditure - 6 months period, $23,000.00. Memo #5088, chemical & janitorial supplies 4/16/75 for 1 yr. awarded to 12 bidders, at a total estimated annual expenditure of $50,000 for period 4/17/75 thru 4/16/76. Alternate awards listed in detail in memo. Memo #567x, chemical and janitorial supplies 5/5/76 for 1 yr. awarded to lowest bidders meeting specifications, as set forth in Council Memo #5678, with alternate awards to succeeding bidders should recommended bidders' products