Temporary Help Services (Contracts)_October 1976 to March 1979TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES - (Contracts) 5
(continued) Date
so that it can act, and at the same time, the
Administration was requested to make sure that
all requirements of this year's contract are
lived up to; that any violations, no matter
how minor, are to be brought to Council's
attention. 10/20/76
Memo #6287, Temporary Help for Conv. Center 4/20/77
for 6 months, amount $60,000 (estimated),
Res. #77-15313 adopted, authorizing execution
of agreement with Western Temporary Services,
Inc., at $3.34 per hour.
Memo #6522, supplying Temporary Help for 6- 10/5/77
mo. period, bid amount $68,000. Awarded,
(continued) Date
Western Temporary Services, Inc. ($3.39 pr hr),
for a 6 -month period effective 10/21/77. 10/5/77
Memo #6781, supplying temporary help for a 4/5/78
1 -yr. period, for Convention Center, bid amount:
$170,000.00 (estimated). Awarded, Western
Temporary Services, Inc.
Memo #7389, supplying temporary help for Con- 3/21/79
vention Center for a 1 -yr. period effective
April 20, 1979, bid amount: $160,000.00 (esti-
mated). Awarded to Western Temporary Services,
Inc. bidding hourly rate of $4.37, with pro-
vision for rate adjustment in compliance with
any Federal Minimum Wage increase during