Test Boring (Contracts)_March 1975 to May 1976TEST BORING (Contracts) 3
Memo #5066, request for approval of payment
of #3,850 to Pittsburgh Testing Lab for
emergency soil bearing tests for Lincoln
Lane West Parking Garage, approved. 3/19/75
Memo #5192, testing services for 1 yr. awarded, 6/18/75
Michigan Testing Engineers, Genl. Composition,
$30 per test; Atlantis Eng. & Test., Soil Boring
Ca $5.00 ft., Cylinder # $25 per test Tie bids,
moisture density # $50., Soil density c1 $15,
awarded on alternating basis to both firms, for
1 yr. period from date of award, estimated ex-
penditure $30,000.00.
TEST BORING (Contracts)
Memo #5203, increase in contract awarded
1/8/75, Nutting Engineers, Inc., from $3000.00
to $3546.60, for test borings in excess of those
originally estimated to be required, & for the
rental of barricades, approved. (Test borings
for facilities to transmit sewage to Va. Key
Treatment Plant.)
Memo #5372, test borings in Norris Cut between
Fisher Island and Virginia Key for Sewage Trans-
mission Line project. Formal bid procedures
waived and emergency award made to lowest bid-
der meeting specifications, Atlantis Engineering
and Testing Inc.; estimated expenditure $5,550,
based on $925 per day for 6 days for testing
TEST BORING (Contracts) 5
(cont'd) Date
completion; additional days, if required, to
be billed at daily rate. 11/5/75
Memo #5408, test borings in Government Cut 12/10/75
and on Fisher Island, awarded, Atlantis
Engineering & Testing, Inc., quoting $850 per
day; expenditure for estimated eight days,
$6,800. Daily rate to apply should additional
time be required.
Memo #5704, providing 9 borings on Fisher Is- 5/19/76
land and in Biscayne Bay. Contract awarded,
Atlantis Testing & Engineering Inc., quoting
$800 per day. Estimated expenditure $4,000
for 5 days. City Atty. to review Florida