Theater Of The Performing Arts_December 1975 to March 1976THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS (Contracts) 11 Date Memo #5431, contract for purchase of House 12/10/75 Curtain awarded to Kenney Drapery and Carpet Assoc., quoting $24,442.00; bid for scrim sky drop rejected, per Admin.'s recommendation. To be funded from W. 0. 2610.11 BFPB-81, to be reimbursed from sale of $1.7 M Excise Tax Bonds. 4.a) Change Order No. 10, in amount of $10,308.31, approved; b) Change Order No. 11, in amount of $15,840.00 approved subject to verification by Admin. of details and figures to be submitted by Architect; c) Change Order No. 12, in amount of $7,669.39, approved. Total of change orders ap- proved -- $33,817.70, increasing contract from $4,830,182.00 to $4,863,999.70. THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS (Contracts) Memo #5437, molded cable and pin connectors for Theater of P. A. awarded, Item 1 to Strand Century, Inc. for $13,200.00; Item 2 to Edlen Electrical Service for $1,944.00; Item 3 to Strand Century, Inc. for $345.60; total amount of bid $15,489.60. Appearance of Architect Evan Davies of the firm of Morris Lapidus and Assoc., Inc. to recommend additional items required for com- pletion of the Theatre of P. A. Council ap- proved additional changes required to complete project, as enumerated by Mr. Lapidus at the 12/10/75 meeting and as recommended by Admin. City Mgr. advised that Admin.reserves right 12 Date 12/17/75 12/17/75 THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS (Contracts) 13 (continued) Date to have work performed by City personnel or handled through City's bidding procedure, V. M. Haber requested placement on a future agenda, consideration of policy pertaining to method of handling Change Orders and establishing responsibility for such Change Orders. 12/17/75 R..ra C= 13 A Memo #5575, house curtain for TOPA, PB -81 - 3/3/76 change order No. 1 to Kenney Drapery and Car- pet Associates, Inc., approved, in amount of $1,225.00, increasing contract from $24,442.00 to $25,667.00, funds to be provided from sale of $1.7 M Resort Tax Bond Issue for TOPA.