Theater Of The Performing Arts_December 1975 to March 1976THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS (Contracts)
Memo #5431, contract for purchase of House 12/10/75
Curtain awarded to Kenney Drapery and Carpet
Assoc., quoting $24,442.00; bid for scrim sky
drop rejected, per Admin.'s recommendation.
To be funded from W. 0. 2610.11 BFPB-81, to be
reimbursed from sale of $1.7 M Excise Tax Bonds.
4.a) Change Order No. 10, in amount of $10,308.31,
approved; b) Change Order No. 11, in amount of
$15,840.00 approved subject to verification by
Admin. of details and figures to be submitted by
Architect; c) Change Order No. 12, in amount of
$7,669.39, approved. Total of change orders ap-
proved -- $33,817.70, increasing contract from
$4,830,182.00 to $4,863,999.70.
Memo #5437, molded cable and pin connectors
for Theater of P. A. awarded, Item 1 to Strand
Century, Inc. for $13,200.00; Item 2 to Edlen
Electrical Service for $1,944.00; Item 3 to
Strand Century, Inc. for $345.60; total amount
of bid $15,489.60.
Appearance of Architect Evan Davies of the
firm of Morris Lapidus and Assoc., Inc. to
recommend additional items required for com-
pletion of the Theatre of P. A. Council ap-
proved additional changes required to complete
project, as enumerated by Mr. Lapidus at the
12/10/75 meeting and as recommended by Admin.
City Mgr. advised that Admin.reserves right
(continued) Date
to have work performed by City personnel or
handled through City's bidding procedure, V. M.
Haber requested placement on a future agenda,
consideration of policy pertaining to method
of handling Change Orders and establishing
responsibility for such Change Orders. 12/17/75
R..ra C= 13 A
Memo #5575, house curtain for TOPA, PB -81 - 3/3/76
change order No. 1 to Kenney Drapery and Car-
pet Associates, Inc., approved, in amount of
$1,225.00, increasing contract from $24,442.00
to $25,667.00, funds to be provided from sale
of $1.7 M Resort Tax Bond Issue for TOPA.