Traffic Department_December 1958 to November 1959TRAFFIC DEPT. CONTRACTS Contract for white traffic paint awarded to Wm. Armstrong Smith Co., $2,606.90 12-10-58 41 251 Contract for 8 pedestrian traffic signals awarded to Wink -O -Matic Signal Co., $936.00 1-21-59 41 308 Contracts for traffic signal equipment awarded 2-4-59 41 335 Contract for traffic paint awarded to Somay Products, $1,110.00 (500 gals yellow) 3-4-59 41 418 24. Book Page TRAFFIC DEPT. CONTRACTS 25. Book Page Contract for 1,000 gals white traffic paint awarded to C. H. Dragert Co., $2,150.00 3-4_59 41 419 Contract for 500 gals yellow traffic paint awarded to Wm. Armstrong Smith, $1,079.57 9-30-59 42 305 Contract for 2000 gals. white paint awarded to Somay Products, Inc., $4,520.00 10-21-59 42 337 Contracts awarded for traffic equipment. 11-4-59 42 351