Metropolitan Museum Of Art_June to August 1978METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART 3
(continued) Date
Wofford property. City Mgr. directed to immedi-
ately attempt to resolve the on-going problems
with Bass Museum, and in event an agreement can-
not be reached, to advise Commission at which
time consideration will be given to instituting
legal action to terminate Bass Musem agreement.
Mayor Haber advised that he has designated
Mesdames Judy Drucker and Marcy Lefton to the
Cultural Advisory Brd., and that their first
assignment will be to aid in the attempted
resolution of the Bass Museum dispute. 6/7/78
Mrs. Eileen Neidich heard re: closing S. Beach 6/7/7c
Elementary School and Ida Fisher Junior Hi
School, and S. Beach Redevelopment. Pronncarl
Appearance of Mr. Joseph R. Harrison, Chairman, 6/28/78
and Dr. Arnold Lehman, Director, Metropolitan
Museum & Arts Centers regarding new proposal for
lease of City property at 4221 Pine Tree Dr.
Matter was deferred to 7/19/78, at request of
Mayor Haber.
Memo #6968, request of Mr. Joseph R. Harrison, 7/19/78
Chairman, and Dr. Arnold Lehman, Director,
Metropolitan Museum & Arts Centers regarding
new proposal for lease of City property at
4221 Pine Tree Dr. Deferred to Aug. 2, 1978,
to be scheduled as Priority Deferred item.
Appearance of Mr. Joseph R. Harrison, Chairman, 8/2/78
Metropolitan Museum & Arts Centers regarding
new proposal for lease of City property at
4221 Pine Tree Dr. Commission approved Metro-
politan Museum's proposal that City assume the
initial costs of renovating the interior and
exterior of the building, at a cost of approxi-
mately $24,490 (funds to be provided from Bond
Fund MP -69), with City to provide annual re-
curring cost of fire insurance coverage at an
estimated cost of $2,500 (which would have to
be provided each year in the City's operating
budget). City Atty. to prepare agreement for
Commission action on September 6, 1978.