Metro Transit Authority_January 1970 to November 1975METRO TRANSIT AUTHORITY 3 Meeting date RES. 12941 reinstating Sunday "W" bus service. 1-28-70 Property W.side Alton,So.of 5th St.: acquisition by CMB; hearing cont'd to 12-16; negotiations to continue; CC requested participation in costs by Metro via Atty Rosemond; discussion re purchasg property for public purposes only by any govt. if CMB cannot. Mrs.Thelma Webster's atty Cooper to be notified re future action. 8-19-70 Shuttle bus service - reduced fare - deferred to 4/19/72 4/5/72 METRO TRANSIT AUTHORITY 4. Meeting Date Mr.Andy Hower, representing MTA announced threddUuced fare transit service to be provided on Washington Ave. from Biscayen St. to 17th St. beginning 5/1 for 60 days, at 15 one way, and requested help from City to prevent parking in bus zones and jaywalking pedestrians. City Attorney requested to prepare appropriate resolution of appreciation for Transit Authority. 4/19/72 Mr. Milton Gordon appeared and advised of his unsuccessful attempts to have Metro Transit Authority agree to a change in bus routing which would provide for a stop near the Re- becca Towers so as to accommodate the elderly METRO TRANSIT AUTHORITY (continued) residents. Res. #75-14869 adopted, requesting MTA to re-route the "0" line to stop near the Rebecca Towers. Councilman Dr. Wikler advised of complaints received from many elderly and physically in- capacitated persons that the buses will not pull to the curb in order for them to board or exit, and requested that MTA and Metro Com- mission be apprised of this situation and to cause corrective actio, • to be taken. Res. #77-1.5273 adopted, calling upon MTA Metro Com- mission, to take appropriate steps 1=o correct situation relative to difficulty of persons boarding or leavi:g buses. 11/19/75 5 Date 11/19/75 2/16/77