Meyer, Councilman Baron De Hirsch_January 1933 to November 1936MEYER, COUNCILMAN BARON DE HIRSCH Book, Page Gen. Recommendations presented 1-18-33 11,484 Recommends repeal of Miami Beach Ordinances governing traffic in liquor 2-1-33 11, 493 Recommendations re: Water plant 7/19/33 12,106 Elected President Pro -tem 9/5/34 13, 67 Elected Vice -President of Council to serve in absence of Pres.Levi 12/19/34 13, 204 Urges additional Jitney service during busy hours during season 13, 288 MEYER, COUNCILMAN BARON DE HIRSCH 2. Book Page Suggests that Florida Power & Light Co. be asked to lay their wires underground 9/18/35 14 99 Appointed with Mr. Ralston and Mr. Burbridge to act on game licenses 1/8/36 14 260 Mr. Meyer expresses view on night club licenses 1/8/36 14 265 Mr. Meyer advised he would bring up question of Civil Service for em- ployees 9-16-36 15 142 &EYER COUNCILMAN BARON DE HIRSCH Book Page Suggests raise in wages for men on hourly basis 11/4/36 15 209 Mr. Meyer submits forms for Civil Service & Pension Ord. 11/4/36 15 209 Mr. Meyer offers proposed form of Civil Service ordinance 12/16/36 15 304 3.