Meyer, Councilman Baron De Hirsch Meyer_August 1937 to June 1941MEYER , COUNCILMAN BARON DE HIRSCH MEYER Book Page Letter from Mr. Meyer asking that action be deferred on certain matters -4-37 16 210 Mr.Meyer and City Atty.to draft recom- mendations re: construction of addi- tional filling stations 9-30-37 16 287 Councilman Meyer made Acting Mayor during absence of Mayor Levi 9-14-38 17 288 Mr.Meyer elected Acting Mayor and Vice - Chairman 9-20-39 18 264 MEYERJ COUNCILMAN BARON DE HIRSCH MEYER 5 Book Page Councilman Meyer suggests passage of ordinance prohibiting erection of signs denoting hotel and apartment house rates 4/3/40 19 65 Councilman Meyer suggests widening of Ocean Drive from Biscayne St. to 1st St. and change in use regulations ulat ions6/19/40 19 176 Councilman Meyer objects to expendi- ture of $40,000 for 41st St.Bridge at this time and moves that appro.of $300,000 be made for Municipal Hospital(no second to this motion) 6/541 20 266 MEYER, COUNCILMAN BARON DE HIRSCH 6 Book Page Mr. Meyer explains his stand on Municipal Hospital issue 6/5/41 20 268 Mr.Meyer eNptains salary raises had been agreed upon before new Council was inducted 6/11/41 20 273 Mr.Meyer urges that something be done to provide for fishing on east viaduct of causeway 6/11/41 20 273 Councilman Meyer advises of pro- posal of Leedy-Wheeler & Co.or financing proposed municipal Hospital 6/11/1 20 77