Confort Facility_March 1959 to September 1962Cor*
Book Page
Contract for comfort facility for
Normandy Shores Golf Course awarded
to Henry DeGraff & Son, Inc. $4,099.00
7-5-61 44 122
Contract for tile flooring for various
comfort facilities awarded to Continental
Tile Co., $1,377.00 9-6-61 44 191
Contract for comfort facility in
4600 Collins Ave. park awarded to
Empire Contracting Co., $20,575.00
9-19-62 45 110
Contract for restroom addition to
Pier Park Community Center awarded to
C. AD avis, Inc. $11,887.00 2-2-66 50 80
Book Page
Contract for construction of comfort
station and tide gauge bldg. at Municipal
Pier awarded to Aaron Goldman, $7,672.00
10-6-54 36 216
Contract for construction of comfort
station at 29th Street awarded to
Irving Fischer, $3,790.00
11-17-54 36 334
Contract for public restrooms for
Lincoln Lane parking area awarded to
Morris & Esher, $6,654.00 3-18-59 41 439