Miami Beach Apartment Ass'n_May 1963 to April 1978MIAMI BEACH APARTMENT ASSN 18. Book Page le ue t Council to oppose any egislation proposing �xtensibn or imposition of a sales tax on yearly leases of apartments. Council adopts Res. #10979 accordii4y. 5-1-63 45 438 Requests Council to oppose any legislation seeking to extend the full $5,000 homestead exemption to occupants of co-operative apartment houses. Council adopts Res. #10980 accordingly. 5-1-63 45 439 M. B. Apartment Ass'n communication favoring three for two parking read and filed. 12-4-63 46 321 MIAMI BEACH APARTMENT ASS'N 19. Council takes no action on request Book Page of Association for use of North Shore Community Center and 21st St. Community Center to disseminate information regarding proposed bond issue==s. 4-8-66 50 218 Request of Mr. Paul Goldberg, M.B. Apartment 4/5/78 Assn. to discuss Commission support of inclu- sion of the Apartment House Industry in the TDA Advertising Budget. Scheduled for 4/19/78 meeting. Request of Mr. Paul Goldberg, M.B. Apartment 4/19/78