Miami Beach Apartment Ass'n_May 1963 to April 1978MIAMI BEACH APARTMENT ASSN 18.
Book Page
le ue t Council to oppose any
egislation proposing �xtensibn or
imposition of a sales tax on yearly
leases of apartments. Council
adopts Res. #10979 accordii4y.
5-1-63 45 438
Requests Council to oppose any
legislation seeking to extend the
full $5,000 homestead exemption to
occupants of co-operative apartment
houses. Council adopts Res. #10980
accordingly. 5-1-63 45 439
M. B. Apartment Ass'n communication favoring
three for two parking read and filed.
12-4-63 46 321
Council takes no action on request Book Page
of Association for use of North Shore
Community Center and 21st St. Community
Center to disseminate information regarding
proposed bond issue==s.
4-8-66 50 218
Request of Mr. Paul Goldberg, M.B. Apartment 4/5/78
Assn. to discuss Commission support of inclu-
sion of the Apartment House Industry in the
TDA Advertising Budget. Scheduled for 4/19/78
Request of Mr. Paul Goldberg, M.B. Apartment 4/19/78