Miami Beach Marina (known as South So. Marina)_June 1973 to May 1974MIAMI BEACH MARINA( known as South Shore Marina)8 Meeting Date for authorization to begin inquiries with major developmental companies for participa- tion in creation of an expanded complex. 6/29/73 Status report by representative of Greenleaf/Telesca, engineering firm. 7/18/73 Notice of application for hearing before the Planning Board for conditional use for develop- ment of a marina - discussion on 8/22/73 8/1/73 Memo 4179 - Design approved. City Mgr. authorized to negotiate contract with Greenleaf/Telesca for additional Marina development service. 9/5/73 Councilman Dr. Haber requested City Mgr. to furnish brief progress report re: Administration's MIAMI RFA(.N MARINA (known as South Shore Mariplting9Date inquiries, and all responses received, with respect to possibility of involving major development companies in creating an expanded recreation complex in are of Marina. 9/5/73 Memo 4213, Res. 73-14143 adopted: Contract with Greenleaf/Telesca proposed for additional pro- fessional services on M.B.Marina. 10/3/73 Planning Bd. recommendation dated 8/23/73 accepting concept in principle for a Marina to include parking structures, boat storage, fueling, commercial retail offices, restaurants,' hotel, yacht club and other accessory uses on MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as South Shore Marina 10 Meeting Day Lots 1-50C, Block 111, Ocean Beach Addition No. 3 affirmed as presented by Greenleaf/ Telesca Engineers. Res. 74-14360 adopted. Reconfirms action and approval of City Council on 9/5/73 that proposed Marina is an officially approved project of City. Councilman Meyerson re- quested City Atty. to review County's Aquatic Park Ordinance and advise whether it will have any effect on City's proposed Marina. (1/ J f t !t3 �• >i. 9/5/73 5/1/74