Miami Beach Marina (Known as So. Shore Marina)_June to Novembe 1974MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So, Shore Marina) 11
Verbal report on 1"T Bd. approval of Marina pro- 6/19/74
ject, with certain stipulations -City Mgr. to
submit written report to Council.
Res.#74-14458-authorizing extension of contract
with Greenleaf/Telesca in amt. of $10,000 to re-
design breakwater in compliance with instructions
of I. I. Board. 8/21/74
Review of proposal by Greenleaf/Telesca on 11/6/74
Miami Beach Marina Development of Regional
Impact application (deferred from 10/16/74).
Extension of contract with Greenleaf/Telesca
at additional fee of $21,112.approved.
MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marine) 11A
Review of proposal by Greenleaf/Telesca on M.B. 10/16/74
Marina Development of Regional Impact applica-
tion, memo #4787, not reached. Deferred to
MIAMI BEACH MARINA iknown as So. Shore Mari n
City Mgr. & City Atty. directed to address
question to Attorney General as to his
opinion that even though an application has
been made or is being processed, if a law
is enacted subsequent to either of those
dates, the new law prevails, and to submit
a report to Council.
V.M.Meyerson requested the City Atty.'s
opinion as to whether or not the City may
invoke the "grandfather" clause in view of
the fact that application for Marina was
submitted prior to July 1, the effective
date of the new environmental impact study law.