Miami Beach Marina (known as So. Shore Marina)_October 1972 to June 1977MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 16
(continued) Date
advised that matter has been referred to Marine
Advisory and Inspection Brd. and that Admin. is
developing additional data as to whether pro- 12/10/75
posal is in best interest of City.
Res. #76-15131 adopted, requesting Fla. Dept. 9/15/76
of Natural Resources to dedicate to City the
Sovereign Bay Bottom Land under the proposed
Miami Beach Marina.
Memo #6230, bids rejected for breakwater for
M.B. Marina, MP -36, and Administration author-
ized to reapply for Federal funds as soon as
applications will be accepted.
MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina 17
(NOT ON AGENDA) Discussion of Public Works Grant. 6/9/77
City Mgr. advised he had received unofficial word
that City had been awarded an Economic Development
Administration Public Works Round II grant of
$3,018,000. Council reconfirmed the marina as
first priority for these funds. Administration
will immediately proceed with development of cost
estimates Nand advertising under Consultants Com-
petitive/ Rcctorrequirrements for qualified design
engineer. City Mgr. also advised Council of State
policy change from deeding to leasing submerged
lands, and that he will immediately proceed to
submit additional information required by State
for their public hearings to obtain such long-
term lease without fee to City. He stated that
Installation of amusement facilities deferred Date
discussion to 10/18/72. 10/4/72
Councilman Haber asked City Mgr. to develop
plan for providing amusement facilities. Mgr.
advised of uncertain status of Gov't project
for expanding North Jetty and would develop a
file and return to Council with report of overall
Presentation of preliminary plans will be made
at adjourned meeting on 2/14/73 at 2 P.M.
Thorough presentation made by Mr. John Greenleaf