Miami Beach Marina (Known as So. Shore Marina)_June to August 1977MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 18
(continued) Date
this would be a City corporate project, not a
Redevelopment Agency project; that it could be
under construction by Aug. 10 or 15, 1977; and
that in his opinion, most of the marina construc-
tion cost could be funded from this grant and
the $385.000 remaining marina bond funds tenta-
tively allocated to the Agency. 6/9/77
Memo #6425, approved, consultants interested in 7/20/77
providing professional services to design Miami
Beach Marina,MP-36. Administration authorized
to negotiate with the firm of Post, Buckley,
Schuh & Jernigan, Inc.
MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 19
(NOT ON AGENDA) Suit filed by Metro -Dade Co. 7/27/77
in District Court in District of Columbia,
seeking to divert public works funds of the
Cities of Miami, Hialeah and Miami Beach
(M.B. allocation $3,018,000 for Marina) to
Metro on the grounds that Metro is a prime
city within the meaning of the law. Hearing
scheduled to be held on Aug. 9, 1977, in
Washington, D. C. City Atty. to make report
on Aug. 3, 1977, as to whether special counsel
will be required to represent City.
Report on Telephonic Communications regarding 8/3/77
need to represent City in the suit filed by
Dade Co. re: diversion of Public Works Funds
MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 20
(continued) Date
of Cities of Miami, Hialeah and M.B. City Atty
authorized to attend hearing in Washington on
8/9/77 ard to represent City. (LTC 130-77;
letter of 8/1/77 from Co. Manager together with
attachments, re. County suit to be heard in
Washington, D. C. on 8/9/77, on file in Council
folder in City Clerk's office.) 8/3/77
(NOT ON AGENDA) For information only. Oral 8/17/77
report by City Atty. re Metro -Dade County's
ursuccessful suit in the Federal Courts for
reallocation of Public Works Funds that had
been grant -'d rie City of MB et al.