Miami Beach Marina (known as So. Shore Marina)_September to November 1977MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 21 Date (NOT ON AGENDA) Oral report by City Atty. re: 9/7/77 . approval by U.S. Department of Commerce of allocation to City of $3,018.000 Public Works Funds for Miami Beach Marina. For information only. Res. #77-15441 adopted, authorizing execution 9/21/77 of grant offer in amount of $3,018,000 from U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Develop- ment Administration, for construction of M.B. Marina. Memo #6514, award of contract for construc- tion of breakwater for CMB Marina, MP -36, awarded, Ebsary Foundation Co., quoting 9/21/77 MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 22 (continued) Date $1,480,000.00 award subject to Ebsary meeting all conditions of the grant and subject to the approval by EDA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Coun- cilman Meyerson requested that the performance bond contain the provision that the contractor will comply with Federal regulations, particu- larly with respect to Minority Businesses. 9/21/77 Memo #6515, Res. #77-15445 adopted, authorizing 9/21/77 retention of Mr. William H. Weaver, consulting services for construction phase of CMB Marina Breakwater, MP -36, fee not to exceed $4,840.00. Memo #6516, Res. #77-15446 adopted, authorizing 9/21/77 execution of agreement with Post, Buckley, MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 23 (continued) Date Schuh and Jernigan, Inc., for engineering services for construction of CMB Marina, MP -36, at a fee not to exceed $118,000. Public Utili- ties Director advised that any extra services which may have to be rendered by contractor must have the City's written prior approval. 9/21/77 Mayor Rosen announced that ground breaking 9/29/77 ceremony will take place on Oct. 23, 1977 at 10:00 a.m., at the South Shore Park (First St. and Alton Rd.). Memo #6575, Res. #77-15481 adopted, authorizing 11/2/77 City Atty. to serve notice of termination of