Miami Beach Marina (Known as So. Shore Marina)_June to Novemer 1979MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 30 (continued) Date Res. #79-15849 to extent that it is inconsis- tent with this resolution. (See M.B. Redevelop- ment Agency) 6/20/79 Memo #7570, Marina construction project. Admini- 6/20/79 stration's recommendation approved and transfer authorized re: $500,000 from unappropriated in- terest earned by City Wide Recreational Bond issue of May 30, 1972 to Marina Construction Fund to provide for cost of construction completed prior to receipt of second in a series of two letters of credit from Economic Development Administration at which time reimbursement of these funds will be effected. MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 31 Date Memo #7735, Administration's recommendation 9/19/79 approved. Res. #79-16025 adopted, author- izing execution of agreement to retain con- sultant firm of Alexander Grant and Co., to audit $3,018,000.00 EDA GRANT for the M.B. Marina, MP -36. (See M.B. Redevelopment, U.S. Government, Audit, AUDIT [CONTRACTS]) Memo #7832, Breakwater for M.B. Marina, MP -36, 11/7/79 Change Order No. 4, (additional work), amount: increase $18,351.91, extension of time: 14 days. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979.