Miami Beach Marina (Known as So. Shore Marina)_June to Novemer 1979MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 30
(continued) Date
Res. #79-15849 to extent that it is inconsis-
tent with this resolution. (See M.B. Redevelop-
ment Agency) 6/20/79
Memo #7570, Marina construction project. Admini- 6/20/79
stration's recommendation approved and transfer
authorized re: $500,000 from unappropriated in-
terest earned by City Wide Recreational Bond
issue of May 30, 1972 to Marina Construction Fund
to provide for cost of construction completed
prior to receipt of second in a series of two
letters of credit from Economic Development
Administration at which time reimbursement of
these funds will be effected.
MIAMI BEACH MARINA (known as So. Shore Marina) 31
Memo #7735, Administration's recommendation 9/19/79
approved. Res. #79-16025 adopted, author-
izing execution of agreement to retain con-
sultant firm of Alexander Grant and Co., to
audit $3,018,000.00 EDA GRANT for the M.B.
Marina, MP -36. (See M.B. Redevelopment,
U.S. Government, Audit, AUDIT [CONTRACTS])
Memo #7832, Breakwater for M.B. Marina, MP -36, 11/7/79
Change Order No. 4, (additional work), amount:
increase $18,351.91, extension of time: 14 days.
Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979.