Miami Beach Optimists Club November_1940 to April 1961MIAMI BEACH OPTIMISTS CLUB Book Page M.B.Optimists club urges City to aid in financial end for Fla. ti'yorlds Fair ExhIbit 11-20-40 19 416 ALSO SEE "0" MISCELLANEOUS B_ -Optimists-- Cl-ub- requests abandoned bicycles for:rtpair "and:::presentation to children on welfare rolls at annual Christmas party--Granted----- 12-18-63 arty. Grantedr12-18-63 46 357 M. B. OPTIMISTS CLUB Meeting Date Youth Group sponsored by M.B.Dptimists conducted "mock" Council meeting for a period of 40 minutes. 11/15/72 Request of Mr. Alex Medina, Jr., former coach 7/16/75 for Optimist Football Team, to address Council relative to his suspension by the Optimist Athletic Conference; and request City inter- vention in legal suit. To be placed on 8/6/75 agenda. MIAMI BEACH MOVIE Action deferred on payment of statement of Guided Tours, Inc. for making the M.B. movie. Book Page 4-12-61 44 54 Statement of Guided Tour Productions in amt. $8,360.00 for 27 minute color motion picture film of M. B. approved for payment. 4-19-61 44 57