Police Athletic League_August 1959 to April 19664?GC_%\ 1 lice, ((-CAC- POLICE ATHLETIC LFAGUE- M.g. Request for $8,000 to help work of League to be discussed with Mr. Lipp and members of Council when new budget is discussed. 8-5-59 42 200 Request for full time co-ordinator for activities of the Police Athletic League requested by Moses Grundwerg, former president of M.B.Jaycees. Action deferred until recess meeting to be held on June 28, 1961. 1 Book Page 6-21-61 44 99 POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE - M.B. Book Pag4 Council authorizes full time coordinator for Police Athletic League activities for one year trial period. 6-28-61 44 109 P.A.L. activities to be continued under existing setup on an indefinite basis. Police Officer Herman Press commended for his fine work in this connection. 10-3-62 45 132 Res. #11822 adopted providing for appointment of full time Police Athbtic LeagueCoordinator. 4-20-66 50 260