Police Athletic League_October 1977 to November 1980M2 POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE Appearance of representatives of M.B. Police Athletic League to request preliminary approval of expansion of facility building in Flamingo Park. Council approved request of PAL Vice President, Mr. Nat Fechtner, for extension of existing lease for period of ten years (to ex- pire Feb. 20, 1988). City Atty. to prepare necessary documents for Council action. Pre- liminary approval of building extension concept granted, subject tolans meeting all applicable Code regulations. -/�,�, /7-/6,47,4 (See Flamingo Park) 7 Date 10/19/77 MIAMI BEACH POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE 8 Date Memo #7464, Res. #79-15885 adopted, authorizing 4/25/79 execution of agreement with PAL for expansion of their existing facility in Flamingo Park. (The $105,000 needed to complete this facility comes from a $65,000 Fourth Year Community De- velopment Block Grant appropriation, and a $40,000 Fourth Year reallocation of Block Grant Funds.) (See Housing & Community Develop- ment Act of 1974) Memo #7941, Res. #80-16142 adopted, term 1/2/80 extended 343 days with expiration date changed from 10/23/79 to 9/30/80, for ex- pansion of M.B. Police Athletic League's MIAMI BEACH POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE (continued) existing facility located in Flamingo Park. (See Housing & Community Development Act of 1974) 9 Date 1/2/80 Memo 8602 - Res. 80-16470 adopted, authorizing 11/19/80 & directing execution of an addendum to agreement bet. CMB & M.B.P.A.L. for expansion of existing facility located in Flamingo Pk., extending term of agreement to 12/31/80. Addl. appropriation of $3,857 from 6th Yr. Com. Dev. Block Grant Funds approved.