M.B. Development Authority (Proposed)_April 1964 to July 19657iLOPMENT AUTHORITY (Proposed) Book Page Mt8 BonTixpavers Ass'n asks Council placing Charter Amendment on May 26th ballot to enable creation of a M. B. Development Authority. Pending Metro Charter amendment discussed, designed to give County Commission power to merge, abolish or transfer powers and functions of any board or other governalent agency in Dade County. Councilman Englander suggests proposal be kept off ballot until Metro matter is determined. Idea of Development Authority discussed (use of parking system monies for other promotions). City Atty submits written opinion of proposed Metro Charter Amendment. No action taken at this ti e. 4-1-64 46 485 MIAMI BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (PROPOSED) t4 Book Page Mitchell Wolfson, representing M.B. Taxpayers Ass', asks that Council place before voters, proposed amend- ment to Charter providing for creation of above Authority. Council votes to approve, in principle, placing of matter on November ballot. Further discussion to be held re. specifics of proposal to be placed before voters. 6-17-64 47 77 MIAMI 8EACH DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Book page Resolution introduced creating Miami Beach Development Commission. Councilman Malek proposes that certain sections be clarified. Action on resolition deferred. Clerk to send copies of resolution to' members of Council. 7-7-65 49 158 Discussion on proposed resolution creating a Miami Beach Development Commission. Council- man Malek wants members to be citizens, residents and registered voters of M. B. Taxpayers present information. Discussion re. duties of proposed Development Commission. (cont.)