Miami Beach Symphony Orchestra_December 1963 to January 1966Y'fk ick ht Peed -,1 .1V4 j CVc iNcts e*k MIAMI BEACH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 1 Book Page Statement re. rental of M. B. Auditorium for winter concert series $2,000.00 approved for payment. 12-4-63 46 320 Statement covering concerts in Auditorium November 17 and Dec. 15, 1963, $4,102.23 approved for payment. 2-19-64 46 428 Statement, 1963-64 concert series, $1,397.77 approved 4-15-64 47 1 Payment of $1,886.69, balance of city subsidy -1965, authorized. 4-21-65 49 31 2nd payment to M. B. Symphony for 1965-66 budget allocation $3,555.00 1-19-66 50 54 MIAMI BEACH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 2 Book Page Request of MB Symphony that .10% clause apply to 'run of contract' rather than 10% per performance approved. 8-24-66 50 499 Report of M.B. Symphony Orchestra for 12 mos. ending 5/31/67 filed and additional information requested by Councilman Richard. 1-4-67 51 319 Request of Miami Beach Symphony for 10% run -of -show charges and waiver of seating charges deferred. 4-19-67 51 550