Miami Beach Taxpayers Ass'n_March to July 1961MIAMI BEACH TAXPAYERS ASS'N 0 -
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Action deferred on Assn's proposal to
change election laws to provide for
group system of election for Mayor and
Councilmen. City atty to draft ordinance
for consideration at next meeting.
3-15-61 44 3
Proposed "conflict of interest" ordinance
discussed. Suggestion made that Assn
make their proposal to State Legislation,
that Council was not the proper forum to
enact the legislation. Council takes
matter under advisement.
3-15-61 44 3
No action taken re. "Conflict of Interest"
ordinance proposed by Taxpayers -Asso. 50
Proposed "Conflict of Interest"
ordinance distributed. Action
deferred until next meeting. 6-28-61 44 111
1st reading "Conflict of Interest"
ord. Mr. Lefkowitz points out omission
of certain section. Discussion. Ord. passed
on 1st and 2nd readings. 7-5-61 44 127
Ordinance amended before 3rd reading.
Passed on 3rd reading - Ord. #1423.
(Amendmt to Chapter 2. of Code)
7-19-61 44 148
Pro osed amendment to Charter re.
Conflict of Interest to be submitted
to voters at election to be held not
later than second primary in May, 1962,
together with other amendments.
2-7=62 44 364
Expresses disapproval of double
decking 46th Street parking area.
2-5-64 46 421
Asks Council to consider placing
Charter Amendment on May 26th ballot
to enable creation of a M. B. Development
Authority. Pending Metro Charter amendment
discussed, designed to give County Commission
power to merge, abolish or transfer powers(cont)
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