Miami Beach Taxpayers Ass'n_April to June 1964MIAMI BEACH TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION /7 (cont.) Book Page and functions of any board or other government agency in Dade County. Councilman Englander suggests proposal be kept off ballot until Metro matter is determined. Idea of Development Authority discussed --(use of parking system monies for other promotions) City Atty submits written opinion of proposed Metro Charter Amendment. No action taken in matter at this time. 4-1-64 46 485 MIAMI BEACH TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION /(Y Book Page Mitchell Wolfson, representing above, asks that Council place before voters, proposed amendment to Charter providing for creation of above Authority. Council votes to approve, in principle, placing of matter on November ballot. Further discussion to be held re. specifics of proposal to be placed before voters. 6-17-64 47 77 Simon E. Rubin, representing above, expresses opposition to use of any formulas changing method of assessment in M.B. unless same is done in other sections of Dade County. City Atty advises that under Charter it is duty of Tax Assessor to pregaf, x 44911. 94 MIAMI BEACH TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION Book Page Proposes change in election laws to provide for a primary and run-off election. Matter to be taken under consideration. Proposal of Association to be referred to Charter Review Board for study & recommendation. 3-3-65 48 385 Law Enforcement Committee of this Assn rewards Rogelio Garcia with U. S. Savings Bond for assisting policeman in apprehending a criminal. Mayor Richard presented him with Key to City and Courtesy Card. 5-19-65 49 79