M. B. Taxpayers Ass'n_April 1965 to September 1966M. B. TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION Book Page David Fenton, Chairman of Zoning Committee of above association refers to article in Herald re. proposed novitiate at 5869 Pine Tree Dr. and calls attention to zoning on property. Bldg. Dept. report read. City Mgr. to keep Council advised as to status of matter. 4-21-65 49 1 MIAMI BEACH TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION Action on proposal of M. B. Taxpayers Assn that City endorse acgis-.tion of Cape Florida for State Park purposes deferred to July 7, 1966. 6-23-65 49 147 Discussion re. City's acquisition of Donner property. Taxpayers Association protests. 12-15-65 49 480 Book Page Taxpayers Ass'n presents report on waste collection. Urges c?Targe to commercial users. Matter taken under advisement. 1-19-66 50 46 MIAMI BEACH TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION v Book Page Taxpayers Asso. requests that Charter Amendment be placed on Nov. ballot so as to eliminate one mill publicity tax on all property in M.B. Matter deferred until Aug. 3, 1966. 6-22-66 50 356 Miami Beach Taxpayers Association urges creation of Budget Advisory Board and Councilman Powell's resolution creating Budget Advisory Committee fails of passage. 9-21-66 51 34