MB Tourist Development Authority_May to June 1971MB TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 10
Meeting date
Employees: lst, 2nd readings to Ord.
giving them same benefits, etc., as those
in Classified in City employ. James
Ruby, Personnel Bd. Atty, to furnish
certified copy of TDA minutes appertaining. 5-18-71
Boat racing event: RES.13290 (conditions
re CMB as party to contract,etc.) 5-18-71
Walter Kaplan presented written resume of
TDA action re commitment for Dem. Natl.Conv.
Amendments for CC action on 6-2 agenda. Char-
ter amendmt(Mayor) thatTDA to be elected
in future by people.
MB T.D.A. 11
Meeting date
Employees: Civil Serv. status: not
reached; 6-23 agenda.
1st, 2nd reading for following: Miss
Universe, etc.,can be abandoned w/o CC approval;
can contribute to 20% for "short-term" events;
Res. Tax allocatns monthly payments; share of
past -due taxes payments; contracting for events
beyond budget yr; future commitments for capital
improvemts; CC budget approval.
Proposed Ord. (Greene) amending parts of
Code deferred to 6-23 (not reached). 6-2-71
Proposed Res. (Greene) for special
election to abolish TDA, transfer to City
(Greene) deferred to 6-23 (not reached). 6-2-71
Proposed Res. (Mayor) for voters to
elect TDA,FAILED. 6-2-71
Meeting date
Proposed Ord. re amendmts to TDA
governing regulations deferred to 7-7.
Res. for spec. election to abolish TDA,
transfer to City, deferred to 7-7.