MB T.D.A_September 1975 to January 1976MB TDA
Res. #75-14827 ado ted, approving "Proposed Bud- 9/23/75
get" of M.B. TD in amount of $1,794,656.00 ef-
fective 10/1/75 thru 9/30/76. Brief discussion
concerning change of formula in connection with
split of resort tax collections between TDA and
City, matter to be on 10/1/75 agenda; U.M. Meyerson
requested Admin. to look into interlocal agree-
ments between agencies, if Council feels TDA needs
additional money in anticipated budget, perhaps
formula could be worked out that at a later year,
money could be paid back to City.
(cont'd) Date
emergency measure rding Sec, 41-68 of Code,
adding paragraph (e�m( ) to provide that as of
10/1/74, if current fund of TDA is substantially
diminished, City and Authority may agree to in-
crase allocation, which shall be deemed to be a
loan to Authority by the City, repayable without
interest, and establishing procedures for repay-
ment. V.M. Meyerson requested he be furnished
with minutes*of meeting when original formula
concerning the division of resort tax collections
was established. V. M. Meyerson urged a closer
working associationbetweenCity Mgr. and TDA
Executive Dir.
soations athere wills be
no duplication of services. 10/1/75
/0,/74"" e hviYG, Fete
MB ll'
TDAuthority did not approve Ord. #75-2045,
therefore not fully effective. Original excerpt
from TDA Minutes of 10/16/75 filed with original
Ord., in west vault.
T.D.A. appointments deferred to 2/4/76, for a 1/21/76
full Council, Memo #5492. Ms. Molly Stein,
representing Economic Advisory Committee,
appeared and suggested that qualifications of
nominees to TDA be reviewed by Committee,
prior to Council appointment. Councilman
Meyerson suggested that all members of Council
be prepared to provide background information
concerning their nominees, in order to assist
in making the best selection.