MB T.D.A_February to June 1976MB TDA 37 Date Following were reappointed, terms expiring 2/4/76 December 16, 1977: Norman Ciment - General Joel Gray - Hotel Ben Z. Grenald - General Roger Wolin - General Request of TDA for change in Resort Tax dis- 4/28/76 tribution formula to a permanent 50-50 basis. City Atty. directed to prepare appropriate ord. to amend Code to provide for change in Resort Tax distribution formula to a permanent 50-50 basis, for Council's consideration. Council requested a written opinion from both City's Bond Counsel and Financial Consultant , MB TDA 38 (continued) Date as to whether this change would have any ad- verse effect on existing Excise Tax Bond issues, City annual financing, and future bond issues. Councilman Meyerson reiterated past suggestion that consideration be given to centralizing all tourist -related events under one coordinator. 4/28/76 4kTDA preparation for Bicentennial Celebration: 5/5/76 Pursuant to questions raised by U.M. Haber dur- ing discussion of Item R -8A - Comparsas '76 - TDA Exec. Dir., Hal Cohen, advised he will fur- nish all members of Council with copies of packet of publicity material and literature which has been prepared concerning this event. *Alc .111-76 - iP &12--`74, -41, zt da, -*-ea4 MB TDA 39 Date Councilman Weinstein requested Admin. to notify 6/2/76 TDA of action taken by Council, together with Council's suggestion that it would be in good taste to take similar action, re: 1975-76 Budget, Res. #76-15057 which requires mandatory reduction of worktime and corresponding diminution of compensation.... Discussion regarding Brazilian Tourist blockade. 6/16/76 Requested by Councilman Spaet. City Mgr. to arrange meeting with TDA and/or Director to discuss situation, so as to determine which direction should be taken, members of Council to be advised of meeting date.