MB T.D.A_January to May 1977MB TDA 45
(continued) Date
police at the expense of producer; that helicopter
act will provide City with additional liability
insurance of $1 million;and producers will name
City as additional insured for $1 million public
liablity, excluding aircraft. 1/19/77
Appearance of Mr. Moe Hyman to discuss Resort 1/19/77
Tax and TDA,(deferred from 12/15/76). Per
Mr. Hyman's request, deferred to Feb. 2, 1977,
11:30 Time Certain,
Presentation by Mr. Ben Grenald, V.Chairman of 2/2/77
TDA, of resolution requesting designation of
certain limited areas as "Topless" Beaches.
Subject referred to M.B. Commission on the Status
of Women for consideration and report at
(continued) Date
Feb. 16, 1977 meeting. 2/2/77
Mr. Moe Hyman appeared to discuss Resort Tax an 2/2/77
and TDA. He suggested that the present TDA be
abolished and that this be a joint function
with Metro.
Mr. Moe Hyman to continue discussion on TDA and 2/16/77
also matters regarding Senior Citizens. He
reiterated suggestion of 2/2/77 to abolish TDA,
have function absorbed by Metro, to be funded
by Resort Tax, with Metro to appropriate equal
Mr. Moe Hyman to discuss TDA and Boards and 3/2/77
Committees. To be scheduled for March 16, 1977.
Mr. Moe Hyman appeared and renewed suggestions 3/16/77
to 1) abolish TDA and merge function with Metro;
abolish inactive Boards and Committees and the
issuance of parking decals to members.
Mrs. Hazel Shapiro, Pres. Flamingo Park Tennis 5/18/77
Clerk, to request funding for M.B. representation
at Maccabiah Games in Tel Aviv, Israel, July
12-22, 1977. Council approved City funding of
$500.00 and suggested that Mrs. Shapiro request
matching funds from TDA.