MB T.D.A_June to July 1977MB TDA 48 Date Following reappointed to MB Tourist Develop- 6/22/77 ment Authority for period of 2 yrs., terms to expire 12/16/78: Memo #6392 - Jesse Weiss General (Business) Murray Gold Hotel (Arlington Htl) Robert S. Goodman General (Business) Representatives of Lincoln Road Assn,objected 6/22/77 to decision of TDA to reject proposal by Jackie Gleason Show to finance telecast of two special shows in City's facilities. City Mgr. advised that Administration had verified newspaper story that City of Miami is presently negotiating con- tract with Peekskill Enterprises for use of Gus- man Hall. Councilman Dr. Haber requested that MB TDA 4g Date49 (continued) both Administration and TDA look into this matter to determine whether there is reason to reconsider TDA's original position. 6/22/77 TDA Director and TDA members, Messrs. Grenald 7/6/77 and Weiss, appeared and requested passage of an ord. to amend Resort Tax ord. so as to pro- tect future collections, in the event a business establishment defaults because of financial dif- ficulties. City Atty was requested to prepare an ord. for Council's consideration, which would require business establishments with a poor record of payment (to be determined by Finance Directors to furnish City with a bond. Mr. Grenald requested a change in Resort Tax distribution formula from MB TDA 50 (continued) Date present 60/40 split, to a 50/50 basis. Mayor Rosen advised that Council approval at this time, without some backup information, would be preci- pitous, and he suggested to Mr. Grenald that he confer with the Administration. Councilman Spaet requested TDA to consider lending assistance to City's hotels in obtaining funds for refurbishing their establishments, and was advised by Mr. Grenald of the unsuccessful efforts that had been made in doing so with the banking community due to fact that tourism is not recognized as an industry; further- more, that efforts were being made in Tallahassee to seek recognition of tourism as an industry. 7/6/77