MB T.D.A_March to April 1978MB TDA 56 (continued) Date at request of Mr. Weiss. 3/15/78 Appearance of Mr. Jesse Weiss, TDA Chairman, 4/5/78 to discuss City contribution to Greater Miami International Film Festival (deferred from 3/15/78) (requested by Mayor Haber). No action taken by Commission in view of City Mgr's comments concerning budgetary constraints. Memo #6798, appearance of Mr. Hal Cohen, TDA 4/5/78 Director, and members of TDA to discuss re- visions in Resort Tax Ord. to update and im- prove collection procedures, revision of City Code as to allocation of resort tax collections, and need for 'Welcome" signs at the causeway MB TDA 57 (continued) Date entrances to M.B. Deferred to April 19, 1978, to give Commission opportunity to review proposed changes being requested. 4/5/78 Mr. Mel Ziegler, V. Chairman of Boxing Com- 4/19/78 mission, appeared to discuss rental rate re- ductions for Conv. Center Rooms for promotion of club fights, Memo #6797 (deferred from 4/5/78). Commission approved City co-sponsor- ship of first two Club fights. Administration was directed to meet with Boxing Commission and TDA in an effort to arrive at an amicable solu- tion in lieu of rent adjustments. Mr. Jesse Weiss stated that TDA will meet with Boxing Commission 4/21/78 with a view towards assisting Boxing MB TDA 58 (continued) Date Commission, (See Boxing Commission & Conv. Center Complex). 4/19/78 Appearance of TDA to discuss request for 4/19/78 "Welcome" sign at Julia Tuttle Causeway en- trance to Miami Beach (deferred from 4/5/78). Deferred to May 3, 1978. Administration re- quested to investigate cost feasibility and funding of such sign. (See Signs) Appearance of TDA to request amendment of Sec. 4/19/78 41-68 of City Code as to allocation of Resort Tax collections. Ord. passed on 1st reading, Hearing and second reading scheduled for May 3, 1978 at 2 p.m. Commissioner Dr, Wikler