MB T.D.A_May to October 1978MB TDA
and location of a proposed tennis stadium and
to submit a report. Commissioner Weisburd sug-
gested that City's Recreation Master Plan being
developed, also take into consideration tennis
facilities, present and future. (See Tennis,
Metro, Commission Tennis Committee, Compre-
hensive Recreation Master Development Plan.)
Messrs. Paul Goldberg, N.B. Apartment Ass'n) 5/17/7
and Phil Halpern (Interim TDA Director) appeared
and indicated they had reached an amicable solu-
tion to implementation of M.B. Apartment Assns
request for support of inclusion of the Apart-
ment House Industry in TDA advertising budget.
(See M.B. Apartment Ass'n)
Memo #6927, request from Chris Dundee Enter- 6/28/78
prises, Inc. for City to subsidize boxing events
(deferred from 6/7/78). TDA urged by Commission
to underwrite $1,000 in costs for four boxing
events. (See Dundee Enterprises, Boxing &
First of two required hearings for purpose of 9/21/78
considering increase in millage FY 1978-1979.
Department Heads appeared and reviewed dollar
changes in respective budgets. All members
of the Commission were furnished with copies
of the TDA proposed 1978-1979 budget. Mayor
Haber announced that the second required
hearing will be held on Sept. 28, 1978 at 5:15 p.m.
Adopting official budget for TDA for FY 9/28/78
1978-79. Deferred to 9/29/78 at 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Robert Jackson appeared and advised that 9/29/78
TDA marketing plan would be delivered to the
Commission within a few days. Res. #78-15725
adopted, adopting 1978/1979 budget of MB TDA,
in the amount of $1,881,900 effective Oct. 1,
1978 thru Sept. 30, 1979. The Commissioners
gave various suggestions relative to the pro-
motion of MB to domestic and foreign markets
as well as to the young adults.
Commission referred to Sept. 27, 1978 com- 10/4/78
munication from TDA Executive Director