M.B. T.D.A._May to September 1979M.B. T.D.A. An. ord. of City Commission of C.M.B., Fla., amending Sec. 41-64 of City Code so as to pro- vide that elective or appointive officials not holding such elective or appointive position in government of C. M. B. may be a member or employee of T. D. A. of C.M.B; repealing all ordinances in conflict; and providing for an effective date. (Requested by Harold Rosen, atty. for TDA) Deferred to May 23, 1979, meeting. Ord. passed on first reading, amending Sec. 41-64 of City Code so as to provide that elective or appointive officials not holding such elective or appointive position in Date 5/16/79 5/23/79 M. B. T. D. A. 72 (continued) Date the government of C.M.B. may be a member or employee of the T.D.A. of C.M.B.; repealing all ordinances in conflict; and providing for an effective date. (Requested by Harold Rosen, Atty. for T.D.A.) Hearing and second reading scheduled for June 20, 1979 at 2:00 p.m. 5/23/79 Hearing held and concluded, re: ord. of City 6/20/79 Commission of C.M.B. Fla., amending Sec. 41-64 of City Code so as to provide that elective or appointive officials not holding such elective or appointive position in the government of C.M.B. may be a member or employee of T.D.A. of C.M.B.; repealing all ordinances in conflict; M.B. T. D. A. 73 (continued) Date and providing for an effective date. (Requested by Harold Rosen, Atty. for T.D.A.) (First read- ing - May 23, 1979). Ord. No. 79-2161 adopted, as amended. 6/20/79 Letter from Tourist Development Authority and copy of excerpt of minutes of their meeting of July 5, 1979, adopting Ord. ##79-2161, filed with material in 6/20/79 Council folder. 7/13/79 Resolution of C.M.B. Fla., adopting 1979-80 9/5/79 Budget for M.B. T.D.A. *To be discussed at workshop meeting with T.D.A. on Thursday, 9/13/79 at 4:00 p.m. Formal approval of budget scheduled for 9/19/79 at 2:30 gym.