M.B. TDA_September_September 1975M. B. T. D. A. 74 (continued) Date City Mgr. requested to remind Commissioners of meeting. -NOTE: Meeting cancelled on 9/10/79 verbally, by Mayor's office. 9/5/79 Memo ##7712, ord. passed on 1st reading, changing name of the Miami Beach Tourist Development Authority to Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority; repealing all ordi- nances in conflict; and providing for an ef- fective date. (Requested by Harold Rosen, Esq., Atty. for M.B. Tourist Development Authority.) Hearing and second reading scheduled For 9/19/79 at 2:00 p.m. (See M.B. Visitor and Convention Authority) M.B. T.D.A. Memo #7737, request of TDA to hold College Fall Golf Classic at Dayshore Golf Course with waiver of greens fees - Oct. 21-23, 1979, approved. (See Golf Courses) 9/5/79 75 Date 9/19/79 Memo #7712, hearing held and concluded, Ord. 9/19/79 #79-2171 adopted, changing the name of the Miami Beach Tourist Development Authority to Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority; repealing all ordinances in conflict; and pro- viding for an effective date. (Requested by Harold Rosen, Esq. Atty. for M.B.T.D.A.) M. D. T. 0. A. 76 Date Mr. Ted Griffin, TDA Executive Director ap- 9/19/79 peared re: adopting 1979-1980 Budget for M.B. TDA. Commissioner Wikler suggested to Mr. Griffin that funding for the following be included in the TDA budget: 1) operation of Lincoln Road tram service, 2) providing life- guard services for City's beaches, 3) con- tinuation of "Love -On -the -Beach". Mr. Griffin advised that only the third item would come within the purview of TRA permissible expenses. Res. ##79-16028 adopted, adopting 1979-1980 budget of M.B. T.D.A in amount of $2,230,000 effective Oct. 1, 1979 thru Sept. 30, 1980. U.M. Friedman requested that Administration schedule a meeting between members of T.D.A.