Tourism Development_April to September 1967Tour is f W deiopmeoki- Acrt 11 TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Budget of Ad Hoc Committee presented. Public hearing called for 4/17/67 to consider implementing ordinance creating TDA 4/7/67 51 532 Public hearing cancelled --no quorum 4/17/67 51 550 1st & 2nd reading of ord. creating TDA. M.B. Taxpayers Assn. opposes creation of TDA. 1. Book Page 5/17/67 52 25 5/17/67 52 3o TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2. Book Page Ord. #1652, creating TDA, adopted as emergency ord. (Revised after 1st & 2nd readings' on 5/17/67). 6/5/67 52 35 Prelim. discussion re . TDA appointments: Richard Schwarz -general category; Morris Lansburgh-hotel industry. 8/16/67 52 190 1st & 2nd reading Ord. re. TDA not to award contracts for advertising without visual and _205 competitive presentation. 8/16/67 52 210 T.D.A. appointments deferred to 9/20/67. 9/6/67 52 241