Tourist Development Authority_January to February 19686. TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOOK PAGE TDA budget; also, detailed budget to be submitted on 1/10/68. 1-3-68 52 486 Action deferred to 1/17/68 re. proposed TDA budget; representatives to be present. Ben Novack recommended salary to Walter Crawford be paid in full from future budget. 1-10-68 52 500 Res. #12330 approving TDA primary budget of $1,785,000 including $1,000,000 for Convention Hall Expansion and $235,000 for Republican National Convention. City's financial advisers to discuss securing funds for completion of Convention Hall after Republican Convention. TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 7. Book Page TDA to advise Council how resort tax collection can be implemented; Administration to give TDA monthly resort tax collection reports. Cty.Atty. to draft ord. to transfer Convention Bureau 505, operation to TDA. 1/17/68 52 518 Previous administration commitments ratified: (Amer.Society of Assn. Executives);(Natl. Found. of Health, Welfare & Pension Plans);(Cotal Convention). City Atty. to draft ord. to transfer Conv. Bureau operation to TDA for 2/7/68. 1/17/68 52/527 Action on proposed ord. deferred to 2/21/68. 2/7/68 52 544 TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 8. Book Page Budget adopted 1/17/68 now amended to provide Paid Advertising & Special Events to be included in one fund to be spent at discretion of TDA. City Atty. to give opinion on validity of TDA's 4/5ths vote for its members to act. 2/21/68 53 8