Tourist Development Authority_May to July 1968Oil{M - TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Recommendation approved for $350 rental rate charge for use of Hall lobby by TDA for free dances on 6/1, 6/8 & 7/6/68. 5-15-68 53 206 Manager requested to advise TDA that itemized budget be submitted to all members, Administra- tion & City Attorney prior to discussion of same between Council & TDA. Manager to provide for informal discussion of TDA with members of Council, etc., on 5/29/68. 5-27-68 i2 BOOK PAGE 53 208 Consideration of proposed ordinance re. TDA deferred. 6-5-68 53 220 'rte TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 23 BOOK PAGE Action on proposed ordinance deferred to 7/3/68. 6-26-68 53 259 Authorized payment of TDA vouchers, items totaling $25,351.14 per list of 6/26/68 from Accounting --items to do with advertising, payment withheld at Dr. R. Schwarz' request. Voucher payments other than those approved this date to come to Council until such time as matters con- cerning TDA have been determined. 6-26-68 53 264 Action on co -mingling of TDA funds deferred to 7/3/68. 6-26-68 53 272 MOMOMMOMMIM TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Action deferred to 7/3/68 pending receipt of revised TDA ordinance & further discussion re. proposed salary increase for Warren Ericksen. 6-26-68 53 271 24 BOOK PAGE Re. Moe Hyman's request --Council cannot direct TDA to allow Hyman to appear before them as TDA is an autonomous board. 6-26-68 53 273 Action deferred to 7/17/68 on proposed ordinance deferred from 6/26/68 --Council to have time to study proposed ordinance. 7-3-68 53 276