Tourist Development Authority_July to September 196825 TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOOK PAGE Transfer of TDA monies $85,500 approved: for advertising ($77,000); raise for Warren Erickson ($2,500); GOP Elephant ($6,000). Action on unpaid TDA bills deferred to 7/10/68 meeting'. Purchasing Division authorized to handle all purchases of TDA. 7-3-68 53 291 TDA Barbecue on Convention Hall Lawn, 7/6/68, approved. 7-3-68 53 292 Action deferred to 7/17/68 re. unpaid TDA bills. 296 City Manager to have Director of Convention Bureau & present to discuss some items involved. 7-10-68 53 308 TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 16. Book Page Payment of bills on 3 lists approved. Approved Warren Ericksen's salary of $20,000. effective 4/1/68.Payment of moving expenses to be approved. 7/17/68 53 309 Payments approved: 5 bills from Advertising & Marketing; Conv.Bureau items items amounts up to $500; bill to Palmer House. City Clerk to process TDA requisitions upon receipt of mdse. by TDA. 7/31/68 1st & 2nd reading Ord. changing composition of TDA and terms of members. 8/21/68 53 343 53 382 1L1 TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 17. BOOK PAGE Hilton Plaza advised of Council lack of power to override TDA denial of request for subsidy for Truth & Consequences TV Show to emanate from Hilton Plaza. 8-21-68 53 386 Ordinance #1707 adopted with proposed changes in composition of TDA & terms of members. City Attorney to prepare ordinance for 10/9/68 to conform provisions of Resort Tax ordinance to State Enabling Act. City Manager to furnish copies of newly adopted TDA ordinance to TDA members for approval at their next meeting. 9-4-68 53 410