Tourist Development Authority_February to March 1969TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 24 Book Page Copies of budget distributed. Action deferred. Mayor requests City Mgr. to submit recommendations on 3/5/69. 2/25/69 54 245 City Mgr. to arrange workshop session 3/11/69 with TDA to study budget. 3/5/69 54 259 City Mgr. to investigate printing contracts let by TDA: whether bids are taken, who gets contracts, amt. paid. Report on 3/11/69. 3/5/69 54 260 Approved payment of TDA & Convention Bureau salaries of employees till 4/16/69 3/5/69 54 259 TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY �5 Book Page City Atty. to file petition for certiorari; also to obtain letter from Ray Pearson stating that any meetings of 5 -man board under 1st ord. would not prejudice appeal; also to give written opinion to City Mgr. that Council's approval to file appeal has no effect on resort tax legislation. 3/5/69 54 266 Council approved prelim. $1,500,000 budget, with understanding that new Director will review and submit final recommendations. Council approved City Mgr. recommendation that TDA's share of funds be allocated on 3 -months basis & that TDA disburse funds accordingly. City Mgr. & CC -FD to help TDA on this. TDA agreed TOURIST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 26 Book Page to provide in its budget $100,000 per yr. for 7 yrs]from its share of resort tax, to help City meet deficit on Convention Hall Expansion & GOP Convention costs. Mr. Seiderman's motion to reduce pd. advertising to $250,000, needed by TDA, and to put balance of funds into contingency fund, failed. 3/19/69 54 273 City Atty. to draft ord. to amend TDA ord.,to authorize TDA to enter into contract with a Director (Mark Egan) 3/19/69 54 310