Convention Hall_August 1967 to January 1968CONVENTION HALL Books Page
Award made for Item 1 - three centrifugal
refrigeration machines and Item 2 - cooling
tower, as follows:
Item 1 - Trane Company, quoting $104,850.
with assignment of contract to sub -contractor
approved by City.
Item 2 - Marley Company, quoting $23,525.
with assignment of contract to sub -contractor
approved by City. 8-23-67 52 217
Award made for Item 1 - approx. 570 tons of
structural steel to Dade Steel Corp.,
quoting $198,360. Award made for Item 2
648 joists 48.0 feet long to Aetna Steel,
quoting $38,854.08 and award made for
Item 3 - 41 steel joists 59'8" long to
Whitney Steel Corp., quoting $4,774.
or Convention Hall Expansion.
8-23-67 52 217
Award to Millman Construction Co. for
construction of Conv. Hall Expansion
plus additional funding. 9-20-67 52 300
(quoting $2,852,800)
Res. #12282 authorizing assignment of
contract with The Marley Co. to Millman
Construction Co. 11-15-67 52 422
Book 6.Page
Res. #12283 authorizing assignment of contract
with The Trane Company to Millman Construc-
tion Co. 11-15-67 52 423
1/17/67 to 8/31/67 financial report of Oscar
Markovich concession contract filed. 12-6-67 52 449
Change orders Nos. 1-15, Millman Construction
Co. contract approved reflecting decrease of
$17,380.09. 1-3-68 52 486
Contract awarded to Clarin Manufacturing Co.
for 2500 nylon upholstered steel folding chairs,
$46,350. 1-3-68 52 491