Miami Design Preservation League_November 1977 to August 1979MIAMI DESIGN PRESERVATION LEAGUE Mem #6588, agreement for Historic Preservation Analysis. Res. #77-15488 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with Miami Design Pre- servation League. (Funds in amount of $10,000 provided in Third Year Community Development Block Grant application). During course of public hearing on Washington 2/28/79 Ave. Revitalization Plan, representing Miami Design Preservation League, appeared and re- quested City to save and preserve the Cinema Theater in its present state. Administration directed to immediately consult with HUD officials as to whether Community Development Block Grant Funds may be used as a loan to a 1 Date 11/16/77 MIAMI DESIGN PRESERVATION LEAGUE 2 (continued) Date non-profit organization for the purpose of ob- taining an option to rent part of the property, and to submit a report. City Atty. requested to explore all legal ramifications as to whether such loans would be permissible under the City Charter. 2/28/79 Mayor Haber announced that on Thursday evening, 8/1/79 Aug. 16th, M.B. Chamber of Commerce and Miami Design Preservation League are jointly spon- soring a gala premiere of film "Hot Stuff", which was filmed mainly in C.M.B., and that anyone interested in attending should cont - tact the M.B. Chamber of Commerce. (See M.B. Chamber of Commerce)