Microfilming And Destruction Of Certain Old City Records_November 1956 to November 1959\1\tc- '1"".rwi o,hct ri-O A C, }� ReCCIA5 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS 7 Book Pag( Certificates of cremation, Nos. 76 thru 80, filed 11-7-56 38 512 Certificates of cremation Nos. 81-84 inc]. filed ert3fieAte of cremation No. 85 filed 3-6-57 39 159 3-5-58 40 317 Certificates of cremation filed,#86-89 incl. 4-16-58 4o 385 Certificates of cremation filed - #104,105 and 106 2-17-60 42 501 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OTT) CITY RECORDS Certificate of cremation filed, No. 90 8-20-58 41 65 Cremation Certificates Nos. 91 - 97 incl. filed 10-15-58 41 175 :remation Certificate No. 98 'sled 3-4-59 41 437 Book Page Cremation Certificates Nos. 99 and 100 filed 5-6-59 42 77 Cremation Certificates Nos. 101-103 incl. filed. 11-4-59 42 364