Microfilming And Destruction Of Certain Old City Records_March 1960 To January 1964MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS Res. #10298 authorizing destruction and microfilmingof records, and repealing Res. 8753 3-2-60 Cremation certificate No. 107 3-30-60 filed Cremation certificates *108 - 11 incl. filed. Cremation certificates *112 and 113 filed Cremation certificates #114 thru 119 filed. q Book Page 43 12 43 44 94 43 291 44 50 5-18-60 43 10-19-60 4-5-61 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS Cremation certificates *120-123 incl. filed /0 Book Page 6-28-61 44 118 Cremation certificates #124-128 incl. filed 11-1-61 44 Cremation certificates #130, 131 and 132 filed 3-7-62 44 Res. 410731A authorizing destruction of certain Personnel Board and Pension System records 4-4-62 44 Cremation certificates #140-146 incl. filed. 12-12-62 45 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS Book Cremation certificates 134 - 139 incl. filed. 8-15-62 45 Res. #10853 including additional records to be microfilmed and/or destroyed and repealing former Res. #10298. 11-7-62 45 Cremation certificates 152-156 incl. filed. Cremation filed. 6-5-63 45 certificates 157-161 incl. 1-2-64 46 267 419 465 236 // Page 65 182 492 369