Minimum Housing Standards Ordinance_October to January 1974MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ORDINANCE 9 Meeting Date Re: amending minimum housing standards ord. to reinstitute the appellate function of the minimum housing appeals board, Council- man Magnes requested City Atty. to prepare appropriate amendment to provide for a modification equitable to all interests, for consideration at 10/17/73 meeting. 10/3/73 amendment to Reading of/Ordinance to reinstitute the appellate function of Minimum Hsg. Appeals Bd. deferred to 11/7/73 for further study. 10/17/73 MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ORDINANCE Consideration of proposed amendment to Minimum Housing Standards Ord. so as to reinstitute appellate function of Minim. Hsg. Appeals Bd. deferred to 11/21/73. Amendment to Min. Hsg.Standards Ord. to reinstitute appellate function of Min. Hsg. Appeals Bd. Ordinance as promulgated by Min. Hsg. Appeals Bd. passed on 1st reading. Hearing and second reading scheduled for 12/19/73. 10 Meeting Date City Atty. requested to prepare ordinance changing composition of Minimum Housing MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ORDINANCE ApLenantsmembers who das to o notede haveor any two real estate holdings (stocks, bonds or real property) for Council's consideration at 1/2/74 meeting. Amendment to reinstituee appellate function of minimum.hsg.appeals bd. Ord.73-1973 Amended ordinance by changing composition of minimum housing appeals bd. so as to provide for two tenant members who do not have any real estate holdings. Second reading 2/6/74. Proposed amendment changes to minimum housing code, sections 17B-1 through 31M of the City Code to cover: 1) commercial property to include 11/7/73 11/21/73 11 Meeting Date 12/19/73 12/19/73 1/2/74