Minimum Housing Standards Ordinance_March to April 3, 1974MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ORDINANCE 12 Meeting Date m n i mu standards from 17B -25A through 17B - 31M; 2) to correct any contradictions and set forth standards that would cover all prop- erties of M.B.; 3) to include separate hotel and rooming house standards to be maintained, even though hotels and rooming house standards to be maintained, even though hotels and rooming houses are now covered by this code; 4) to make any other changes deemed necessary. Public hearing Apr. 3, 1974. City Atty. ,Ping.&Zoning Dir. will prepare appropriate ordinance prior to public hearing, to distribute to all parties in "the industry". 3/6/74 MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ORDINANCE Proposed amendments to minimum hsg. code to make it applicable to all properties in City of M.B. Ordinance passed on 1st reading. Second reading 5/1/74. 13 Meeting Date Dr. Haber suggested prior to 2nd reading add'1. consideration be given to amendments re: range of air conditioning temperature, exhaust fans in kitchens, omission of interior of private residences, etc. for Councilman Meyerson asked/a review of minimum sq. footage for hotel rooms established by Minimum Housing Code as related to that recommended by Planning Bd. for proposed Hotel and Motel District 4/3/74 4/3/74 MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ORDINANCE District for Boulevard Hotel property. 14 Meeting Date 4/3/74 Ord. 74-1996 adopted, amendment approved, on Chapter 17B of City Code known as Housing and Commercial Property Standards. Sec. 22 to provide for im- prisonment of 30 days or fine & imprisonment provided that imprisonment provision of this sec- tion shall not be applicable to a violation which is a recurring or continuing violation on con- secutive dates. 5/1/74 Sec. 31(k) to provide for continual temperature range betw. 70 and 76° where central air cond. is provided. 5/1/74